Frequently Asked Questions

We've tried to answer some of the questions you might have about the Hub Site - you can find the questions and answers below. If you have other questions, you may be able to find the answers on Discord.

How often is the information on the site updated?

The Hub Site collects information from many sources. Some information gets updated very quickly, like live game events – you'll usually see those updates within 2 or 3 seconds! Player Statistics pages get refreshed when someone leaves a server, changes roles, or finishes an in-game activity. Network Statistics, and the numbers at the top of the Operators, Stations, and Routes pages, get an update about every 30 minutes. Your Roblox avatar and your rank in the SCR Roblox group get refreshed no more than once every 2 hours.

Why does the player count on a server not add up to the number of players shown in the role counts?

The Hub Site gets an update from each server every minute. This update lets the Hub Site know how many people are playing on that server. Sometimes, players on a server haven't chosen a role or started their role-specific activity (like spawning as a Guard but not joining a train), so they'll be counted as players on the server, even if they haven't joined a role yet. The player count for a server always shows how many players are connected, no matter if they've started their role or not.

Why does the player count on a server not match the number of players showing on the Roblox website?

Roblox can keep track of how many users are connected to a server, even if the game hasn't fully loaded for everyone. Plus, Roblox knows right away when a player gets disconnected from a server. The Hub Site, though, only gets this info from servers once a minute, so the player counts might not always match what you see on Roblox. Sometimes, a player could get disconnected because their game crashes or they lose their internet connection. It might take up to 10 minutes for the Hub Site to catch on. So, you might notice player counts that seem higher than the max players allowed on a server, but don't worry – the Hub Site will recognise and fix this on its own.

Why can't other players see my statistics or live activities?

Your privacy is super important to us, and we want to make sure you only share info with other players if you want to. So, by default, all your stats and live activities are kept hidden. If you'd like to change that, you can do it on the "Preferences" page. Just click your Roblox name at the top of the page, and a dropdown menu will appear with a link to the Preferences page, where you can make adjustments to your privacy setup.

I only want some players to see my statistics and live activities. Can I do this?

Not at the moment. If you tick the box to enable your statistics and live activities to be shared, this information becomes available to all other Hub Site users. Please note that even if you don't enable sharing, our directors, managers, and developers will still be able to see this information.

Do I have to have joined the SCR Official Discord server to be able to use the Hub Site?

Not at all. The Hub Site is accessible to anyone who has a Roblox account. You don't even need to be a member of the SCR group on Roblox!

What are the 6 digit codes shown next to servers on the Servers page?

These codes are the names that we give to servers to help you identify them. If you're playing on server ABCDEF, you can share this code with your friends and they can then find the server on the Servers page to see all the live activities happening on your server! In the future, these 6 digit codes will show up in the game and we will provide a function to let you teleport to a specific server using its 6 digit code. For now, the 6 digit code will appear on the Hub Site when you are playing SCR, and you can share this with your friends.

Can I see details of activities that I've completed in the past?

Not yet. We hope to add this functionality in a future release of the Hub Site. Your player statistics do include lots of historical information. You can check how far the statistics go back by checking the banner near the top of the Player Statistics or Network Statistics pages.

Can I request a new feature or a change to the Hub Site?

Not yet. We already have lots of ideas for new features and improvements to the Hub Site and we want to make these available to you before we start taking new requests.

Why are my points or experience statistics showing 0?

You may not yet have joined an SCR server since the site went live. Your points and experience are sent when you join and leave a server. Try joining a server and check back in a few minutes.

Why doesn't my own avatar show on the Hub Site?

We find your avatar by asking Roblox to provide a link to it, which we then use in various places around the Hub Site. Sometimes Roblox provides a link but doesn't generate the right avatar for you, and sometimes the link we're provided by Roblox expires. In these cases your avatar will be replaced with a default avatar from Roblox. The Hub Site will try to reload your avatar again within a couple of hours. Unfortunately there isn't a way to speed this up at the moment.